Plastic Surgery at Dr.Rafeeq’s Skin & Cosmetic Surgery Research Centre
A pleasant appearance can open doors to new opportunities whereas unattractive looks may just find the same avenues closed.
Aesthetic surgery, popularly known as cosmetic surgery, has developed and become popular in the last decade because of increasing awareness and desire for self improvement. The demand for cosmetic surgery is at an all time high now.

Although almost all persons are benefited from aesthetic surgery, there are patients who are not good candidates for cosmetic surgery, either because of their unrealistic expectations, or technical limitations like age, and mental and physical health. If a patient is undergoing surgery for someone else’s wishes, the chances of disappointment are very high.
There are number of patients from North Kerala who are looking for advice on cosmetic surgery, hair loss treatment, baldness, hair replacement and also liposuction, breast augmentation/reduction, face and scar repair. Here is a best plastic & cosmetic surgeon and an astounding clinic in Kozhikode.
If you are looking for an expert surgeon in Men, Women, Eyebrow, Beard, Mustache Hair Transplant in North Kerala then you have a great opportunity to find the right surgeon by filling up the enquiry form now.
Plastic Reconstructive & Cosmetic Surgery
Repair, Restore, Improve
The centre for plastic, cosmetic and reconstructive surgery at Dr.Rafeeq’s Skin & Cosmetic Surgery Research Centre is dedicated to providing highest quality medical and surgical services by integrating specialized programs that focus on enhancing the appearance and improving the quality of life of people.
With all the advanced facilities and highly skills team of professionals, we offer innovative treatments to people facing the need for reconstructive surgery due to a congenital, or as an aftereffect of surgery or trauma.
Whether it is an issue aroused after the treatment of cancer, traumatic head injuries or conditions like cleft lip or palate, our specialists can help improve the function, mobility and overall quality of life. Our surgeon is also specialized in the most advanced reconstructive procedures, including arm, hand and face defects.
Being specialists dealing with burn injuries to aesthetic enhancements, from peripheral nerve injuries to congenital deformity corrections – they are at the forefront of their profession, pioneering different techniques of the industry and applying latest and most innovative approaches to their areas of surgery.
We provide comprehensive treatment for all types of skin diseases under one roof. Our highly experienced doctor supported by especially trained clinical staff, ensure the best care for you.
Blepharoplasty (Eye bag removal)
Blepharoplasty is a type of surgery that removes excess skin from the eyelids. With age, eyelids stretch, and the muscles supporting them weaken. As a result, excess skin and fat can gather above and below your eyelids. This can cause sagging eyebrows, droopy upper lids and bags under the eyes.

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Facial Fat Grafting
Fat grafting is a technique in which harvested adipose tissue is injected underneath the skin for the reconstruction of traumatic, oncologic, or congenital defects. The technique may also be used for cosmetic purposes, particularly facial rejuvenation.
Dimple Creation
A natural dimple is the result of a small opening in a muscle in the cheek called the buccinator muscle. It’s an enviable look that even if you weren’t genetically given can still be yours with a simple procedure called Dimple Creation, or Dimple surgery. This procedure has been increasing in popularity and we are seeing more people coming from diverse locations to have it done.

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Buccal fat pad removal
Buccal fat removal / cheek reduction is a surgery to remove the fat in this area of your face. Removing this fat can highlight the bone structure in your face, especially your cheekbones and the hollowed-out areas between your cheeks and jawline.
Chin augmentation: Surgery to reshape or enhance the size of the chin
It may be done either by inserting an implant or by moving or reshaping the jaw bones. Chin augmentation is still popular because it is a relatively easy operation for the patient while producing noticeable changes in the silhouette of the face.

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Double chin correction
Double chin correction surgery is a procedure performed to remove excess skin tissues and layers of fat under the chin. This surgery is aimed to make the chin, neck, and jawline areas tight, firm, and more defined.
Face lift
This surgery allows doctors to remove fat and loose, saggy skin around the chin and neck, removing a double chin.
Neck lift
Different types of neck-lift procedures aim to remove extra skin (cervicoplasty) or tighten neck muscles (platysmaplasty) to improve the contours of the neck and chin.

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Different types of neck-lift procedures aim to remove extra skin (cervicoplasty) or tighten neck muscles (platysmaplasty) to improve the contours of the neck and chin.
Non-surgical facial procedures – Fillers and Thread lift
Breast Surgeries
- Augmentation/Enhancement
- Reduction
- Breast lift or mastopexy
- Breast fat grafting
Body Contouring
High definition
Procedure in which a small cannula is used to infuse a solution containing a lidocaine mixture (a local anesthetic to numb the area) through strategically placed incision sites (about the size of a pencil eraser).

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Liposculpture is a procedure that involves invasive removal of fat from the body. the fat cells accumulated under the skin and muscles are not only removed with liposculpture but the body is also given a toned and proper shape as desired by the patient. In Liposculpture, all of the fat is not sucked out.
Abs sculpting
Abs sculpting is a plastic surgery procedure that sculpts the abdominal contours to create the appearance of a six-pack. The great news is that abs etching is considered a permanent procedure. This is because your body is not likely to replace the fat cells we removed during treatment. However, men and women who get six-pack abs should continue to live a healthy lifestyle with a consistent diet and exercise.

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Arm contouring
Arm Contouring, also called brachioplasty or an arm lift, is a surgical procedure that reshapes the under portion of the upper arm, from the underarm region to the elbow.
There are many causes of sagging skin in the upper arms, from aging to genetics to weight loss. Having arm contouring (or an arm lift) is an opportunity to achieve more toned, defined arms. This reduces excess sagging skin that droops downward, tightens and smooths the underlying supportive tissue that defines the upper arm‘s shape, and reduces localized pockets of fat in the upper arm region. Individuals desiring a decrease in size of their upper arms and may also want to consider combining with arm liposuction as well.
Thigh contouring
For women and men who need help reducing the size of the inner or outer thighs, a thigh lift can benefit body image and comfort wearing clothes. This procedure involves removing excess skin to make the body more proportional, resulting in thighs that are firmer and more youthful with smoother skin. If you have experienced trouble reducing excess fat and sagging skin with diet and exercise, a thigh lift can offer considerable help.
Brazilian Butt lift
A Brazilian butt lift is a popular cosmetic procedure that involves the transfer of fat to help create more fullness in your backside.

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Tummy tuck/ Abdominoplasty
A cosmetic surgical procedure to improve the shape and appearance of the abdomen. During a tummy tuck, excess skin and fat are removed from the abdomen. Connective tissue in the abdomen (fascia) usually is tightened with sutures as well.
Mommy Make Over
A mommy makeover includes some form of breast surgery and a tummy tuck. As the moniker implies, the procedure first came about as a means for women to rejuvenate the body areas that were most impacted by motherhood.

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Plastic Surgery for Males

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Gynaecomastia correction
Gynaecomastia surgery is a procedure to reduce the size of breast tissue in a person assigned male at birth. This surgery is also called male breast reduction and reduction mammaplasty. It helps people who have gynaecomastia (enlarged male breast tissue).
Hair transplantation
It is a surgical technique that removes hair follicles from one part of the body, called the 'donor site', to a bald or balding part of the body known as the 'recipient site'. The technique is primarily used to treat male pattern baldness.

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Penile lengthening
The most widely used surgical procedure to lengthen the penis involves cutting the suspensory ligament that attaches the penis to the pubic bone. Also, skin is moved from the abdomen to the penis shaft. When this ligament is cut, the penis appears longer because more of it hangs down.
Cosmetic Gynaecology
A Labioplasty is surgery to reduce the size of the labia minora – the flaps of skin either side of the vaginal opening. It should not be done on girls younger than 18 because the labia continues to develop beyond puberty into early adulthood.
Vaginoplasty (Vaginal tightening)
Vaginoplasty is a procedure to construct or repair a vagina. It treats various medical issues, including vaginal injury due to childbirth and pelvic floor disease complications. It's also for creating a transgender vagina, which helps individuals achieve their preferred gender identity.
A Clitoroplasty is a surgical procedure that refines or improves the appearance of a woman's clitoris. It can also be performed to create an artificial clitoris in men undergoing sex reassignment surgery. It is also known as clitoral hood reduction, as it can reduce the size of the clitoral hood in some patients.
Transgender Surgeries
- Male to Female
- Female to Male
Dr Nihal Yusuf also has several years of experience in the other fields of plastic surgery such as
- Burns treatment and corrective surgeries
- Reconstructive procedures
- Correction of congenital deformities
- Hand surgery
- Maxillofacial trauma
- Vascular anomalies
About Dr.Nihal Yusuf
Dr Yusuf is a double board certified Plastic and Cosmetic surgeon practicing in Calicut and Kochi, Kerala.
Dr Yusuf ensures that each patient receives customized personal care according to their needs after thoroughly discussing with them their requirements. He strongly believes that it is important to not give an artificial look and hence strives to give a natural final appearance.
He specializes in facial plastic surgery, breast surgeries, hair transplantation, body contouring and liposuction, and gynaecomastia correction apart from non surgical cosmetic procedures.
Academic Qualification
- MBBS, MS, MCh, DNB (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery)
- Fellow RGA (Delhi)
- Fellow IdB (Barcelona)
- Fellow in Rhinoplasty and Facial Aesthetics (Istanbul)
Dr Yusuf completed his Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of surgery (M.B.B.S) from Govt Medical College, Pariyaram, Kerala. As a young doctor who took keen interest on service to the society, he worked as a volunteer in the Institute of Palliative Care, Calicut, Kerala. He then went on to complete 3 years of his general surgery training from Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute, Thrissur Kerala where he briefly worked with one of the doyens of plastic and cleft surgeries in India, Dr Hirji S Adenwalla, who transformed his outlook on the subject. This led him to specialize in the field of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery from the prestigious Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College, Sion, Mumbai from where some of the best plastic surgeons in the country have trained. During his time in Mumbai, he worked in Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital to become proficient in plastic surgical procedures in children and the famous Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital, the largest oncological institution in the country where he mastered the finesse of microvascular reconstruction. He practiced in Mumbai for a year after his specialization. Dr Yusuf additionally completed a fellowship in Cosmetic Surgery in New Delhi under Dr Rajat Gupta. He has the honour of working with and receiving a fellowship in facial plastic surgery in Barcelona from Dr Javier Benito. He also has received a fellowship in rhinoplasty and facial aesthetics from the ‘nosejob’ capital of the world, Istanbul. Dr Yusuf regularly attends conferences and CMEs to keep up to date in this ever evolving field of medicine.
His areas of specialization in cosmetic surgery are follows
- Blepharoplasty (Eyebag removal)
- Facial Fat Grafting
- Dimple Creation
- Buccal fat pad removal
- Double chin correction
- Face lift
- Neck lift
- Botox
- Non-surgical facial procedures – Fillers and Thread lift
- Augmentation/Enhancement
- Reduction
- Breast lift or mastopexy
- Breast fat grafting
- High definition
- Liposculpture
- Abs sculpting
- Arm contouring
- Thigh contouring
- Brazilian Butt lift
- Tummy tuck/ Abdominoplasty
- Gynaecomastia correction
- Hair transplantation
- Penile lengthening
- Labioplasty
- Vaginoplasty (Vaginal tightening)
- Clitoroplasty
- Male to Female
- Female to Male
Dr Yusuf also has several years of experience in the other fields of plastic surgery such as
- Burns treatment and corrective surgeries
- Reconstructive procedures
- Correction of congenital deformities
- Hand surgery
- Maxillofacial trauma
- Vascular anomalies